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let's talk about one of the most relevant things today - mobile phones. and to be more precise, about the applications that we can use on our devices. despite the fact that a mobile phone is primarily a means of communication, and for some a way to have fun, of course, this thing can take part in our self-development and education.
by analogy with call, there is a term associated with the use of mobile technologies for learning language called mall. mall has evolved to support students’ language learning with the increased use of mobile technologies such as mobile phones (cellphones), mp3 & mp4 players and devices such as the ipod or ipad. the main principles of mall: accessibility in any place, at any time and for any user; gamification of learning; ability to interact with other learners. qr
a qr code (short for "quick response" code) is a type of barcode that contains a matrix of dots. it can be scanned using a qr scanner or a smartphone with built-in camera. once scanned, software on the device converts the dots within the code into numbers or a string of characters. for example, scanning a qr code with your phone might open a url in your phone's web browser. qr code uses four standardized encoding modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji) to efficiently store data. quizlet this is a rather interesting and useful resource for memorizing material and testing knowledge. everyone can use quizlet to study content created by other users, or to create their own training modules.


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now we will consider a new rather interesting platform. it is called mooc. what it is mooc? mooc is open free courses divoted to different spheres of life aimed at teaching people something new. access to free courses like this allowed students to get such a high level of education that many could not even dream of. this completely changed the education system. there are three mooc services: canvas, edx & coursera. let's look at them in order. canvas . what can it be praised for? open entrance and open access. open to students all over the world. open content and platform for integration and innovation with third-party tools. platform neutrality. they only provide you with space for innovation and experimentation. edx is a global educational community that offers high-quality courses from the world's best universities and institutes. it is an open access platform. with open edx, educators and technologists can create learning tools and add new features to the platform,
good day! i got homework to talk about some platforms that can help me in my educational process. well, let's get started. if you are learning english, like me, you will really need the following applications. their huge plus is that study takes place in an entertaining and unobtrusive way. weell lingualeo: one of the secrets to the success of this application for learning english is the game form of training. your own cute lion cub craves meatballs, which can only be obtained through the lessons. another undoubted advantage of the platform is the availability of a huge amount of media materials (films, books, songs, music and educational videos, etc.) that you can work with in the learning process duolingo: completely free applications for learning english, and even without constant annoying advertising - a rarity. that is what duolingo is. the learning process takes place in a playful way. as in the previous application, you have a pet (this time an owl) that needs t
hello!🦋 technology does not stand at one place and we all use the internet, various services and applications for our studies.  what about google apps? this year google launched a special application for students.  this is a familiar set of google services for many, but available in the .edu domain. this same gmail mail service, the same drive cloud storage, the same services for creating tables, documents, presentations and sites, on the one hand.  on the other hand, there are significant differences: when creating a school account in google apps for education, users receive solid guarantees of uninterrupted operation and additional bonuses. this is a significant plus, do not you think so? about bonuses. there are:  📕 access to google classroom (a learning management system built into the service)  📕 receiving a school email address (instead of @ gmail.com addresses will end with @ school name.edu)  📕 additional amount of available space inside gmail and drive  📕 lack of ad